Roast Beef With Yorkshire Pudding And Baby Carrots---Sunday's Best

Today is "T s i k n o  -  P e m p t y" in Greece. Tsikno means meat grilling over hot charcoal with the aroma and smoke filling the air, and Pempty mean Thursday. So, today, Thursday, according to the Greek Orthodox Church, all who follow the religious traditions (even those who don't), can eat as much meat as they want due to the coming 40 day abstinence from eating anything alive before Easter.
We, as a family do not follow this tradition.  We intend to follow the Jamie Oliver Greek inspired spinach pie and feta cheese. I found his way of preparing the spinach pie more interesting compared to mine. (My recipe dated December 16th 2010).
However I would like to share with you a typically Enlish Sunday meal called Roast Beef with Yorkshire pudding. Fix this meal today if you have time or some Sunday.

Rib-eye with Meat Thermometer.
Rib-eye Fat Se Up

Yorkshire Pudding
Yorkshire Pudding

Baby Carrots Saute

Ready To Serve

 "Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding". 

You will need:
Serves 6
- 2 kg of rib-eye in one piece, bone taken off. Any fat is not trimmed off.
- Red and green pepper cut lengthwise and inserted in various places through the meat in a way that different spots of green and red will appear when a slice is cut. Shown in Fig.
- 2 Tbsp. olive oil (prefer Greek extra virgin Kalamata olive oil).
- 1 Green bell pepper cut in thin strips
- 1 Red bell pepper cut in thin strips
- 1 Tbsp. lemon juice
- 1 Tbsp. Colman's powdered mustard.
- 1 Tbsp. thyme
- Salt and pepper to taste.
- 1 kg of baby carrots
For the Yorkshire Pudding: (From Betty Crocker's Cook Book New Edition) Copyright 2005
- 2 Muffin trays.
- Olive oil (prefer Greek extra virgin Kalamata olive oil).
- 1 cup all-purpose flour.
- 1 cup milk
- 1/2 tsp. salt.
- 2 large eggs.
- Mix olive oil, thyme, lemon juice, mustard powder, pepper and brush the meat well all over. No salt added yet.
- In the meantime cut the bell peppers in thin strips and pierce the meat with a strip of bell pepper in different peaces.
- Cover with plastic film, set aside for 2 three hours.
- In a shallow baking dish put the meat on a grid so any juices, drippings are collected below and the meat cooks dry.
- Put meat thermometer and insert in maximum preheated oven for 15 minutes to sear.
- Lower oven heat to 200 degrees C. for 1 hour 30 minutes. Baste regularly using an oven syringe/pump.
- After the meat is cooked to your liking, let stand covered with an aluminum foil for about 15 minutes.
- Sprinkle salt according to taste.
- Raise oven temperature to maximum.
Method for the Yorkshire pudding:
- In 2 muffin pans put some drippings (if any) and some oil, put in oven till smoking hot.
- Beat flour,eggs, milk and salt with hand beater.
- Ladle batter in each muffin mold receptacle filling to just under the brim.
- Insert moulds into oven for 20 minutes or until the Yorkshire pudding is nicely inflated and browned.
- Saute the baby carrots with fresh butter and sprinkle with some powdered dried mint leaves. Cover.
Serve roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, and baby carrots on a large platter

- You could serve some steamed cauliflower on the side.Use ready made Colman's mustard and is delicious!!
Suggested wine: Cabernet-Sauvignon, Shiraz.*
Enjoy with love
* Hugh Johnson's pocket wine book 2011.


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