Baby Cuttlefish And Giant Mussels In A Cream/Saffron/Tumeric Sauce

Ho Ho Ho this is one heck of a recipe. I am sure you all will love it. My wife came back from the super market yesterday with a 1 kg pack of  frozen, cleaned real baby cuttlefish and 1 kg of giant off the shell frozen mussels. The cuttlefish were about 3.5 inches from head to toe I mean the head to the end of their tentacles. I imagine you could make them with any size cuttlefish as long as they are thinly cut into bite size pieces. The mussels can also be the normal sized ones.  Don't forget that they will all shrink when they are cooked.
You will need: 
Serves just 4
-  1 kg frozen baby cuttlefish thawed, washed with fresh water and drained.
-  1 kg of giant mussels thawed, washed with fresh water and drained.
-  Olive oil (prefer Greek extra virgin Kalamata Olive oil).
-  1/4 cup any uncooked rice but not Basmati.
-  1 Tbs. normal powdered black pepper
-  1/2  tsp. turmeric powder
-  1 1/2 pinch of good quality saffron (be careful the taste is very strong).
-  6 cloves of garlic passed through the garlic press.
-  1/2 cup of dry white wine.
-  3 dashes of soy sauce.
-  1 cup thick cream at room temperature.
-  1/2 bunch of parsley very thinly cut.
-  Boiling water.
-  no salt.
-  Pour enough olive oil to cover the bottom of a 28 cm sauce pan with cover. Heat.
-  Add cuttlefish and mussels and fry for about 5 minutes until they expell all their liquid.
-  At that point your cuttlefish and mussels should be nearly covered in their liquid.
-  Boil, add the pepper and garlic, mix, continue boiling, add the wine. Cover.
-  Add the saffron and the turmeric and mix well.
-  Add the soy sauce and mix well.
-  Add the rice, lower the heat to minimum, cover and let simmer till the rice cooks, about 20 to 30 minutes. Keep adding boiling water until the rice is cooked and has absorbed all the liquids. Turn off the heat. Add cream and mix well.
-  Add the parsley and mix.
-  Sprinkle with parsley before serving.
Absolutely delicious!!!  We had this for lunch today with some "Flisvos" Tsantali dry white wine.

P.S. I am sharing this recipe with you today before I forget what I did! LOL.  It was really good, could not really taste the wine, neither the saffron  nor the turmeric. All the tastes blended in fantastically. The color was yellowish with the green parsley.... really proud of myself today!!


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